Lothian Local Medical Committee is the representative body for all NHS General Medical Practitioners within Lothian Health Board area. Our basic principles are to support, represent and communicate with General Practice.

GP Support & Advisory Group
Being a GP is an incredibly rewarding career. However, it can also cause a great deal of stress which can affect anyone within the profession.

GP Representation
We represent Lothian GPs in a variety of meetings both locally and nationally. The majority of which are listed here.

GP Communications
We communicate with Lothian GPs through a wide range of mediums and on a regular basis documenting latest news and meeting minutes.
The LMC represents NHS GPs in the GP Support Advisory Group, jointly hosted with Lothian Health Board. This group offers support to NHS GPs who have identified themselves as struggling or have been referred with concern. There is also a Mentoring Programme operated through this group which offers GP to GP support . Further information on how the GP Support & Advisory Group can support you can be found in our Resources section, and the service can be accessed via this referral form As well as this, we would urge GP’s looking for help or advice to read our Local & National Doctors Support Resource List which can be found here . Other support bodies can be found below.
The Cameron Fund is is the GPs own charity and the only medical benevolent charity which solely supports general practitioners and their dependants. They provide support to current and retired GPs, as well as their families, in times of financial distress, whether through ill-health, disability, death or loss of employment. They help those who are already suffering from financial hardship and those who are facing it.
The Claire Wand Fund is a charitable fund that makes grants to General Practitioners (GPs) to fund further education and for the provision of scholarships, including travelling scholarships.
BMA Counselling is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
on 0330 123 1245.
Here are some of the local and national groups and organisations that we meet with in order to represent our Lothian GP members.
- Area Drug and Therapeutics Committee (ADTC)
- Area Medical Committee (AMC)
- Doctors Support Scheme (DSS) – Assessment and Evaluation Group (AEG) and Initial Steering Group (ISG)
- Edinburgh Integrated Joint Board (IJB) Professional Advisory Group (PAG)
- Eyecare Redesign Group
- Formulary Committee
- General Practice Prescribing Committee (GPPC) and its sub-group, Chair’s Group
- GMS Contracts Group
- GMS Core Group
- GP Appraisal Steering Group
- GP Sub-Committee
- Information Governance Assurance Group
- Innovation Board Core Group
- LNC for Salaried GPs (directly employed)
- Lothian Association of Sessional GPs (LASGP)
- Lothian Division BMA
- Lothian Immunisation Co-ordination Group (LICOG) and its various subgroups dealing with Primary Care vaccination programmes
- Lothian Integration Group (LIG)
- Lothian Prescribing Bulletin (LPB) Editorial Team
- Medical Directors Group
- Measuring Quality in Primary Care
- Monitoring Impact of Primary Care
- NHS Lothian Health Inequalities Strategy Group
- Pan-Lothian and Borders Data Sharing Partnership (DSP)
- Primary Care Data Group
- Primary Care Forward Group (PCFG)
- Primary Care IT Operational Board (PCITOB)
- Primary Care Joint Management Group (PCJMG)
- Primary Care Laboratory Interface Group (PLIG)
- Scottish General Practitioners Committee (SGPC)
- Scottish LMC Conference Agenda Committee
- Section 17c
- Sexual Health Strategy Project Board Clinical Services Sub-group
- South East Scotland Breast Screening Group
- Strategic Planning Group
- UK LMC Conference Agenda Committee
Regular communication with our member practices and individual GPs is one of the key roles of the LMC. In addition to our outward communications through our website, social media and emails, we also provide GPs with access to template literature, as well as advice and information on pertinent topics in what can be an ever changing environment